Fibers and this American Life
Jess Brooks
Block A3
Course Description: We will be learning and sharing skills related to Fiber Arts. This would include, knitting, crocheting, felting, sewing, quilting and spinning. Each student will learn at least new skill and will share any skills they already have. We will also create a class quilt. While we work we will also be listening to past recordings of "This American LIfe."
Materials: Students will be responsible for purchasing some of their own materials for this class. We will be going on a trip to SCRAP within the first 2 weeks to gather some items, we will also be visiting a yarn shop and fabric store later in the quarter.
Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their participation in class and any projects they complete. Everyone is expected to make a square for the class quilt, and use the class time for individual or group projects.
Jess Brooks
Block A1
Course Description: This is the 4th and last quarter of the first year's Integrated Math Program. We will continue our focus on setting up and solving algebraic expressions and interpreting equations. Students will continue at their own pace to master graphing and geometry identities though our morning activities. Eventually, we will start a unit called the Pit and the Pendulum. In it we will study the path of a pendulum and related equations.
Materials: Pencils, graph paper, graphing calculator.
25% Participation- This will take into account classwork, warm-up activities, and tardiness.
25% Homework- late homework is worth 1/3 less
25% Portfolio- If you do not turn in you portfolio it will not be averaged into you grade
25% Assessment-POWS, test, projects
Alternative assignments are available upon request. Extra credit work is also available.
In order to advance into IMP 2 the students must show proficiency in IMP 1 course work. This can be shown through a final exam or having a B average throughout the year.
Jess Brooks
B1, A2 blocks
Course Description: We will continue to study geometry and trigonometry in out final quarter. This next unit focuses on graphing systems of linear inequalities and solving systems of linear equations. Although the central problem is in the field of linear programming, the major goal of the unit is for students to learn how to manipulate equations and how to reason using graphs.
Materials: Pencils, graph paper, graphing calculator.
25% Participation- This will take into account classwork, warm-up activities, and tardiness.
25% Homework- late homework is worth 1/3 less
25% Portfolio- If you do not turn in you portfolio it will not be averaged into you grade
25% Assessment-POWS, test, projects
Alternative assignments are available upon request. Extra credit work is also available.
In order to advance into IMP 3 the students must show proficiency in IMP 2 course work. This can be shown through a final exam or having a B average throughout the year.
Jess Brooks
B2 block
Course Description: We have been working on Trig, derivatives, anti-derivatives, composition of functions, graphs, calculator manipulation, limits, exponent rules, radicals and other pre-calculus topics. This quarter students are going to work more independently on a goal of their choice (SAT prep, review of fundamentals, Statistics, Trigonometry, Calculus). We will still have a large group class component where we begin to use integrals and relate what we're learning to Physics. More of the class will start to become student run where they begin to present what they have been studying and teach the class. This way the rest of the class can gain from their knowledge. Group work is encouraged and each student will teach one lesson.
Materials: Pencils, graph paper, graphing calculator.
25% Participation- This will take into account classwork, activities, and tardiness. Students who has to be retrieved from the hall will marked down.
25% Homework- late homework is worth 1/3 less
25% Portfolio- If you do not turn in you portfolio it will not be averaged into you grade
25% Assessment- test, projects, presentations.
Alternative assignments are available upon request. Extra credit work is also available.
In order to advance into Advanced Math (lacking a better name) the students must show proficiency in IMP 2 course work. This can be shown through a final exam or having a B average throughout the year.