Monday, February 18, 2008

Febuary 18th

IMP 1 (Algebra/Geometry)
Has been working on Similar and Congruent figures while reviewing past algebra. There have been about 3 to 4 homework assignments so far in this class and students should be expecting a test later on in the week reviewing the information covered so far. Recently we have been working on graphing, ratios that exist between similar figures and solving for missing side lengths and angles.

IMP 2 (Stats)
Has been doing a unit from the IMP books on statistics. So far we have discussed ratios, had a quiz on ratios, talked about probability, comparing different sample populations, null hypothesis, ect. We will begin gathering data to further our discussions. Soon students will be designing projects that will incorporate past concepts on probability and newer concepts like the Chi factor.

IMP 2/3(Trig)
Has been studying Trig. So far we've studied Sine, the unit circle, radians, and degrees. This week we will look at how the unit circle can be used to generate a sine or cosine wave and we'll look at the other trig function rules revolving around SOHCAHTOA.

IMP 3/4 (Calc)
We've been take a lot of limits and have begun applying our idea of limits to slope. This past we we came up with an equation for slope that uses limits. This week we will practice finding the slope or equations at points and discussing slope relationship to velocity. I would like to give a take home quiz on this information in the coming week.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Q3 Syllabus

Q3 Syllabus

Course Title: IMP 2 (Probability/Stats)
Grade Level: HS
Instructor: Jess Brooks
Credit Areas: Mathematics
Prerequisite: IMP 2 Q2

This is a continuation of the Integrated Math sequence. Students should have successfully completed IMP2 Q2 before taking this class. Students should also have access to a TI 83 graphing calculator. We will be doing a unit on Probability: standard deviation, bell curve, modeling data and box and whisker plots, interpreting information scatter plots, graphs etc There will be a focus on graphing these equation, interpreting graphs and using appropriate technology. There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes or tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.

Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Select and apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems

Your Grade:
25% HW - late HW will be worth 1/3 less. Partially done homework will also be worth less.
25% Assessments - You may choose to do alternative assessments such as Problems of the Week instead of doing a group project, quiz or test. You may take multiple periods to take a test as long as you are using the time wisely. Tests corrections may also be done or retests can be taken for higher scores. There will be 3-5 quizzes and a final exam this quarter.
25% Participation - If you are more than 10 minutes late to class you will be counted as absent. Three tardies amount to one absence. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will also negatively affect your participation score.
25% Portfolio - this should consist of HW, tests and class notes.

Q3 Syllabus

Course Title: IMP 2/3 (Geometry/Trig)
Grade Level: HS
Instructor: Jess Brooks
Credit Areas: Math
Prerequisite: IMP2/3 Q2

This is a continuation of the Integrated Math sequence. Students should have successfully completed IMP 2/3 Q2 before taking this class. Students should also have access to a TI 83 graphing calculator. We will be doing a unit on Subscribed and Circumscribed polygons, classify polygons based on interior or exterior angles surface area and volume of spheres and cones, using formulas to find missing lengths, dimensions etc., finding min or max of area, volume, scale drawings, parallel lines and perpendicular, equations, constructions, median, midpoint, angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, transformations, and find new points of transformation. The basics of Trigonometry will also be covered. There will be a focus on graphing these equation, interpreting graphs and using appropriate technology. There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.

Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Select and apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.

Your Grade:
25% HW - late HW will be worth 1/3 less. Partially done homework will also be worth less.
25% Assessments - You may choose to do alternative assessments such as Problems of the Week instead of doing a group project, quiz or test. You may take multiple periods to take a test as long as you are using the time wisely. Tests corrections may also be done or retests can be taken for higher scores. There will be 3-5 quizzes and a final exam this quarter.
25% Participation - If you are more than 10 minutes late to class you will be counted as absent. Three tardies amount to one absence. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will also negatively affect your participation score.
25% Portfolio - this should consist of HW, tests and class notes.

Q3 Syllabus

Course Title: IMP 3 /4 (Calculus)
Grade Level: HS
Instructor: Jess
Credit Areas: Math
Prerequisite: IMP 3 /4 Q2
This is a continuation of the Integrated Math sequence. Students should have successfully completed IMP 3 /4 Q1 before taking this class. Students should also have access to a TI 83 graphing calculator. We will be doing a unit that will continue on with epsilon and delta arguments, the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, discontinuous vs. continuous, tangent lines, velocity with limits, and derivatives of polynomials(Power Rule, Chain rule, Product Rule and Quotient Rule)There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of projects, quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.

Framework Goals:
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations.

Your Grade:
25% HW - late HW will be worth 1/3 less. Partially done homework will also be worth less.
25% Assessments - You may choose to do alternative assessments such as Problems of the Week instead of doing a group project, quiz or test. You may take multiple periods to take a test as long as you are using the time wisely. Tests corrections may also be done or retests can be taken for higher scores. There will be 3-5 quizzes and a final exam this quarter.
25% Participation - If you are more than 10 minutes late to class you will be counted as absent. Three tardies amount to one absence. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will also negatively affect your participation score.
25% Portfolio - this should consist of HW, tests and class notes.

Q3 Syllabus

Course Title: IMP 1(Algebra/Geometry)
Grade Level: MS/HS
Instructor: Jess
Credit Areas: Math
Prerequisite: IMP 1 Q2

This is a continuation of the IMP series that works through Algebra, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. We will continue to improve on the algebra and number sense from Q1 and Q2 by beginning a unit on Geometry. We will study famous formulas such as the Pythagorean Theorem, improve our graphing ability and ability to solve linear equations. We will also do a unit on conversions that will enhance our understanding of wholeness, fractions and equivalences. There will be unit assessments consisting of projects, quizzes and tests, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.

Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Select and apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems

Your Grade:
25% HW - late HW will be worth 1/3 less. Partially done homework will also be worth less.
25% Assessments - You may choose to do alternative assessments such as Problems of the Week instead of doing a group project, quiz or test. You may take multiple periods to take a test as long as you are using the time wisely. Tests corrections may also be done or retests can be taken for higher scores. There will be 3-5 quizzes and a final exam this quarter.
25% Participation - If you are more than 10 minutes late to class you will be counted as absent. Three tardies amount to one absence. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will also negatively affect your participation score.
25% Portfolio - this should consist of HW, tests and class notes.

Q3 Syllabus

Course Title: Internships
Grade Level: Junior or Senior (or with permission)
Instructor: Jess
Credit Areas: Internship
Prerequisite: None

The Trillium Charter School Internship Program connects academic life with professional experience by providing high school students with the opportunity to develop their skills alongside working professionals in the community. By actively engaging their education and passions in the workplace, students in the program will be better prepared for employment, more confident in their skills and more knowledgeable of opportunities following high school.
Students will research, apply for and obtain an internship at an organization of their choice. Complete an Internship Contract, intern for the equivalent of 3 months for 4-6 hours per week, meet regularly with their internship advisor and complete evaluation forms.

Framework Goals:
Identify and participate in different levels of service involvement: Volunteerism, Community Service and Service learning
Identify and reflect on the impact of their service
Contribute constructively to an organization's unique structure, processes and mission.
Organize and manage details of service experience

Your Grade:
50% HW - late HW will be worth 1/3 less. Partially done homework will also be worth less.

50% Participation - If you are more than 10 minutes late to class you will be counted as absent. Three tardies amount to one absence. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will also negatively affect your grade.