IMP 100 Pre-Assessment due 9/11
Decimal Estimates Due 9/15
Graph Me due 9/15
Geometry Ch .1 3,4,5,8,9 due 9/15
Ch .2 1-7
Ch .3 one problem Due 9/17
IMP 200 Pre-Assessment due 9/11
Verification with Tech due 9/15
Graphing Calc Into due 9/15
Algebra 300 Pre-Assessment due 9/11
Pre Calculus Pre-Assessment due 9/11
Function Function what your Junction packet due 9/18
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Algebra 300 Syllabus
Teacher Jess
Time B Day - Tu,Th Block Period 3 12:15-1:45 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 2 or 3
Description This semester long class is designed to give the student a solid algebra background. Students should know how to distribute, factor, graph and solve simple equations before taking this class. We will begin at the beginning with definitions, how to communicate using the language of math, what types of functions are there and how do we work with them. We will move from the linear equation quickly to, exponentials and rules for exponents. We will then talk about at solve for asymptotes, study power functions, inverse functions, and trigonometric functions. We will then talk about logarithms, exponential growth and decay, and interest. There will be a focus on graphing and applying these equations to real-world situations. There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Geometry 200 Syllabus
Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 1 or 2
Time A Day - M,W Block Period 3 12:15-1:45 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Description We will begin with an introduction to where geometry is used and seen in the world around us. Students will be doing construction based geometry which uses a compass and a straight edge as there only construction tools. We will also use a protractor for a few units. We will do many
investigations into geometric formulas and theorems, proving similarity and congruency of triangles.
There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments
consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be
determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Analyze characteristics and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Math - IMP 100 Syllabus
Teacher Jess Prerequisites MS with Permission
Time Daily AM Period 1 8:35-9:30 Grade Level(s) HS
Description This year long class is the beginning of the IMP series that serves as an introduction to Algebra, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. We will improve on the algebra and number sense, study famous formulas such as the Pythagorean Theorem, improve our graphing ability and ability to solve linear equations. We will also do a unit on conversions that will enhance our understanding of
wholeness, fractions and equivalences. There will be unit assessments consisting of projects, quizzes and tests, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Analyze characteristics and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and function
Math - IMP 200 Syllabus
Teacher Jess Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 1 or with permission of instructor
Time Daily Period 2 10:35-11:30 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Description This year long class is a continuation of the Integrated Math sequence. Students should have successfully completed IMP 1 before taking this class. Students should also have access to a TI 83 graphing calculator. We will be doing a unit on various functions beginning with linear, quadratic
and exponential. There will be a focus on graphing these equation, interpreting graphs and using
appropriate technology. We will continue to improve our ability to factor, distribute, solve
equations and the quadratic formula will be introduced. There will be nightly homework that
maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks,
quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and
participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Analyze characteristics and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Pre-Calculus 350 Syllabus
Teacher Jess Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 2/3
Time B Day - Tu,Th Block Period 4 1:50-3:20 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Description This is a year long class designed to prepare students for calculus. We will begin with a quick review
of Algebra, important definitions, set notation, useful techniques to solve a variety of equations. We
will spend sometime with logs, e and of course graphing. We will write and interpret exponential
equations for growth and decay. We will then learn how to count, which sounds easy right? This unit
on combinatorics should bring up summation notation, factorials, combinations and permutations,
pascals triangle and probability. There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class.
There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In
addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group
work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Teacher Jess
Time B Day - Tu,Th Block Period 3 12:15-1:45 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 2 or 3
Description This semester long class is designed to give the student a solid algebra background. Students should know how to distribute, factor, graph and solve simple equations before taking this class. We will begin at the beginning with definitions, how to communicate using the language of math, what types of functions are there and how do we work with them. We will move from the linear equation quickly to, exponentials and rules for exponents. We will then talk about at solve for asymptotes, study power functions, inverse functions, and trigonometric functions. We will then talk about logarithms, exponential growth and decay, and interest. There will be a focus on graphing and applying these equations to real-world situations. There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Geometry 200 Syllabus
Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 1 or 2
Time A Day - M,W Block Period 3 12:15-1:45 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Description We will begin with an introduction to where geometry is used and seen in the world around us. Students will be doing construction based geometry which uses a compass and a straight edge as there only construction tools. We will also use a protractor for a few units. We will do many
investigations into geometric formulas and theorems, proving similarity and congruency of triangles.
There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments
consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be
determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Analyze characteristics and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Math - IMP 100 Syllabus
Teacher Jess Prerequisites MS with Permission
Time Daily AM Period 1 8:35-9:30 Grade Level(s) HS
Description This year long class is the beginning of the IMP series that serves as an introduction to Algebra, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. We will improve on the algebra and number sense, study famous formulas such as the Pythagorean Theorem, improve our graphing ability and ability to solve linear equations. We will also do a unit on conversions that will enhance our understanding of
wholeness, fractions and equivalences. There will be unit assessments consisting of projects, quizzes and tests, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Analyze characteristics and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and function
Math - IMP 200 Syllabus
Teacher Jess Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 1 or with permission of instructor
Time Daily Period 2 10:35-11:30 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Description This year long class is a continuation of the Integrated Math sequence. Students should have successfully completed IMP 1 before taking this class. Students should also have access to a TI 83 graphing calculator. We will be doing a unit on various functions beginning with linear, quadratic
and exponential. There will be a focus on graphing these equation, interpreting graphs and using
appropriate technology. We will continue to improve our ability to factor, distribute, solve
equations and the quadratic formula will be introduced. There will be nightly homework that
maybe done during class. There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks,
quizzes and tests. In addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and
participation in group work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Understanding patterns, relations and functions.
Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Analyze characteristics and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems
Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Analyze change in various contexts. Measurement.
Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and units, systems and processes of measurement.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
Pre-Calculus 350 Syllabus
Teacher Jess Prerequisites Successful completion of IMP 2/3
Time B Day - Tu,Th Block Period 4 1:50-3:20 Grade Level(s) MS & HS
Description This is a year long class designed to prepare students for calculus. We will begin with a quick review
of Algebra, important definitions, set notation, useful techniques to solve a variety of equations. We
will spend sometime with logs, e and of course graphing. We will write and interpret exponential
equations for growth and decay. We will then learn how to count, which sounds easy right? This unit
on combinatorics should bring up summation notation, factorials, combinations and permutations,
pascals triangle and probability. There will be nightly homework that maybe done during class.
There will also be unit assessments consisting of Problem of the Weeks, quizzes and tests. In
addition, a portion of your grade will be determined by your portfolio and participation in group
work and class discussions.
Grading Policy
Homework and classwork: Alternative assignments are available upon request. Homework and classwork will be given daily as will time to complete the work. Whenever possible, there will be at least 2 days to complete any assignment and due dates will be clear. Any late work will be worth 1/3 less and no late work will be excepted past the unit assessment without a written explanation. Extensions are always available if asked for before the due date. No late work will be accepted past the end of the semester without an agreed upon extension that was setup before the semester's end. (100 pts)
Throughout the semester I will ask the students to select questions from their homework to be graded. (50pts)
Assessments: May consist of quizzes, unit tests, work samples, projects, group work, and POWs. Alternative assessments are also available upon request. Retesting is an option, as is correcting a test for 50% of the missed points. (100 pts)
Participation: Lateness, unexcused absences, off-task and disruptive behavior will negatively effect your participation score by 5 pts per infraction. Participation points maybe made up during lunch or after school. (100 pts)
Portfolio: Your portfolio should be an organized collection of your work, class notes and reflections of progress made on the framework. This year the portfolio will be graded a rubric will be handed out beforehand clarifying expectations. (100 pts)
Final Grade: (Total points earned)/(400 possible points). A+ 100-98, A 97-95, A- 94-91, B+ 90-88, B 87-85, B- 84-81....
Framework Goals:
Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly; use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
Accurately solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts.
Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems
Select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems.
Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving
Understand patterns relations and functions
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