IMP 100
Perfect squares WS
Factor and Distribute WS
Prime Factorization
IMP 200
Part 1 factorization
Prime Factorization
Geometry 200
4.1 2-16
4.2 1-9
4.3 1-18
Combinatorics 300
"line UP"
How many ways are there to rewrite MISSISSIPPI?
Group work (Coin or Population)
PreCalculus 350
Chapter 1.1-1.3 set theory in Professor E Mc Squaured's Calculus Primer
Chapter 1.1 1-9 in PreCalculus
Be prepared for our field trip tomorrow to a yarn store and coffee shop. Bring your spending money for supplies and/or a drink.
We've been doing the writing test all week. A few students will be finishing up next week, during advising or after school.