The following HW and tests will be factored into a students midterm grade
IMP 100:
HW: 4.5 Slope, 4.7, Graphing linear inequalities 6.1, 2 gambling equations, "What are the Chances," HW 3, HW 6, "Area Probabilities," "Rug Games," bar graph, 3.1.3 Resource page, Sticky Gum POW
Quiz/POW: Graphing inequalities quiz, writing linear equations quiz, POW "sticky Gum or Statistics quiz
IMP 200:
HW: 5.2 Systems of equations, 5.6, Dimensional Box, 9 board questions, HW 2 + Alice, Exponential Packet, Review systems, adding and subtracting radical expressions, review exponential, exponential practice or systems practice, review #2 exponential
Quiz: Systems of equations, Exponential equations
Currently: Absolute value inequalities and piece-wise defined functions
Labs:Temperature of H2O/Spring/Pump, Throwing lab, Pencil Cannon
HW: Linear regression, 4.8, Average rate of change, Trigonometry investigation
Chapter 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and chapter 4 test
Currently: Chapter 5.1, 5.2
Interesting interest packet, review exp, p 384, Logarithms packet, inverse p365,
Quiz: Exponential Equations, Logarithms
Currently: Matrices packet