Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31st

Hope everyone is having a great spring break, I've just gone in to school to water my lovely plants. My student teacher Katie just finished her last week of teaching with us before the break, I will now be taking over all my classes again starting Monday. She will continue to help with the experimental mathematics class once a week.

I have set in my midterm grades to Nick so expect them shortly. Due to feedback, there are letter grades on the midterms not pass/fail. Only HW and tests were averaged together to get the midterm grade, so it is not completely accurate.

In IMP 100: We've been working on similar and congruent shapes and the ratios that exist between these shapes. Some students are struggling with prerequisite knowledge, ex:understanding of what 1/5 means.

In IMP 200: Before the break, we did a work sample involving interest rates and took a test on exponential functions. This class will begin a new unit on either trig or composition of functions, we'll see which one they prefer.

In Geometry we finished chapter 5 and will be moving on to circle geometry.

In Statistics we finished binomial distribution. I left them with a review of normal distribution over the break.

In Experimental Mathematics we finish a lab on friction.

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