Monday, November 20, 2006

IMP 1 Syllabus

Q2 Syllabus for the
Integrated Math Program Year 1

Jess Brooks

Time: Monday and Wednesday from 9am to 10:20 or from 10:25am-11:45

Objective: Students will continue through the IMP material for year one. Once we finish the unit on patterns the students will have an understanding of substitution and evaluation and the beginnings of basis geometry. Summation notation will also be reviewed.

Materials: A three ring binder, compass, protractor, calculator, and graph paper.

Grading: Students grades are determined based off of four main areas each worth 25% of their final grade. They are:
Participation- Determined by class work and attendance.
Homework- Late homework is worth a third less. If a student comes in during ILP period to work on
math they will earn additional homework points.
Assessment- Problem of the Week or tests
Portfolio- Which should be a culmination of the quarter and a useful way to keep the students work
organized for later reference.