Monday, November 20, 2006

IMP 2 Syllabus

Q2 Syllabus for the
Integrated Math Program Year 2

Jess Brooks

Time: Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 10:20 or from 10:25am-11:45

Objective: Students will continue through the IMP material for year two. Once we finish the unit “Solve it” the students will have a clear understanding of factoring, the distributive property and linear modeling. We will then move on to “Is there Really a Difference” where we will study population growths and probability.

Materials: A three ring binder, compass, protractor, calculator, and graph paper.

Grading: Students grades are determined based off of four main areas each worth 25% of their final grade. They are:
Participation- Determined by class work and attendance.
Homework- Late homework is worth a third less. If a student comes in during ILP period to work on math they will earn additional homework points.
Assessment- Problem of the Week or tests
Portfolio- Which should be a culmination of the quarter and a useful way to keep the students work organized for later reference.