Monday, January 28, 2008

End of Quarter 2

I will be giving finals in all of my math classes. The tests will have no more weight than a normal test, but will cover all past material. Your students have all been given review worksheets to prepare them for this test. In the IMP 3/4 class they have been given a take home final that is open notes and book.

A reminder to everyone: Grades are one forth HW, one forth participation, one forth assessments(quiz/test/project), and one forth portfolio.

Next quarter I am going to teach IMP 1(algebra/geometry), IMP 2(probability/Stats), IMP2/3(Trig/Geometry), and IMP3/4(Calculus/Advanced Algebra).

Next quarter I will try to get more people to use the blog. How to do that I dont know.

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