Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 5 10/12

IMP 100
We last did a quick intro to graphing and have been focused on solving and setting up equations. They've had HW 9 and 11 last assigned. Today we will be doing HW 12. On Wednesday there will be a HW makeup day.

IMP 200
Today we have a quiz on Factoring, Distribution and Graphing. Thursday there was a review assignment and before that there was a worksheet called quadratic graphing.

We are midway through chapter 1 and it's a long chapter. At the end of each unit I assign a few or a lot of questions. Here are the most resent: p 42 1-25 p51 1-31 odd p 56 1-4, 12-26 even

We'll finish chapter 2 today hopefully, it's focus was on various types of graphs. The last 2 assignments were p69 39 and 44, and "getting to know the class." I'm debating whether or not to have a quiz on graphing, currently I think having a few good examples in their portfolio would do. So then maybe expect an e-pearl assignment to get those guys up there.

We were suppose to get our e-pearl accounts up last week but I was sick and that slipped by the wayside. This week I hope to begin one on one conferences with students. They've filled out a reflection on their progress and state of being that we'll use to start us off.

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